dimecres, 21 de març del 2018
Mapa conceptual ESTRUCTURES , Josep Agustí 3rB
dilluns, 19 de març del 2018
diumenge, 18 de març del 2018
dissabte, 17 de març del 2018
Estructura de paper: Repte 2
Repte 2 superat 3r ESO C @Guindavols #Tecnologia. Totes les estructures de paper han aguantat 60 kg.
divendres, 16 de març del 2018
dijous, 15 de març del 2018
Mapa Conceptual Estructures Clara Calderó
Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por Clara Calderó Becerril
Mapa conceptual estructures Myroslav Tatchyn
Avui justament després de les proves Cangur ens ha tocat fer un mapa conceptual de les estructures amb l'aplicació Goconqr que ja vam fer servir en el anterior projecte.
Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por Myroslav Tatchyn
Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por Myroslav Tatchyn
Mapa conceptual estructures Widad
Mapa conceptual Hamza
Mapa conceptual Estructures Jaume
Mapa conceptual martina
Mapa conceptual PaulaGonzalez
dimecres, 14 de març del 2018
Estructures: Alba Amorós
diumenge, 11 de març del 2018
Fam al món Joan Haro - Jose Miguel Peinado
Idea about the movie clip:
A playmobil buys an apple, eats a little and throws the rest, another playmobil is approaching and tells the hunger in the world, and while people are approaching and surrounding

Etiquetes de comentaris:
Clipmetratge fam,
joan haro josemiguel peinado.
Mans Unides
First of all, we thought which of the 3 options we would do, after choosing what we would do, we did the script on the StoryBoardThat platform, we showed it to the teacher of English to correct it and we made the final video.
Pluja d'idees
Pluja d'idees

Video Mans Unides
dissabte, 10 de març del 2018
Portes obertes Guindàvols 2018
Moltes gràcies a les emprenedores de 3r ESO B per venir a les portes obertes de @Guindavols a explicar les seves empreses i projectes. Ho heu fet genial!
Estructura de paper: Repte 1
Repte 1 superat 3r ESO C @Guindavols #Tecnologia. Totes les estructures de paper han aguantat 43 kg.
dijous, 8 de març del 2018
Crònica tecnològica per Fayero
dimecres, 7 de març del 2018
Clipmetratge fam Ihssane i Naïm
Our video is about two guys. One is the cashier and the other is a purchaser. We see that the purchaser doesn't have the necessary money and says to the cashier that doesn't want the products.The cashier takes the products that the purchaser can’t affort them and then he throws them to the trash. In that moment ,the purchaser saw the cashier throwing the products to the trash and he explains to him what happens now in the world.

dimarts, 6 de març del 2018
Clipmetratge Nallely i Cristian
We are doing this research because it is an issue that is affecting our world and it is an endless struggle.
In this project we are creating a video that represents the waste we make about food.
In the video, first there is a plate full of food where we represent the food that we consume day after day, then we have put an almost empty plate showing the food that we can get to waste.
Finally, in the end of the short film, we explain with a phrase the waste that we provoke from food as it is a very important issue for our society and that can also affect us.

dilluns, 5 de març del 2018
Clipmetratje Quique, Aleix i Jürgen
Today, WE finally the project of the clipmetratje, In this project we have build a clipmetratje of the hunger in the world. This project is diffcult, but we solve good. we use the apple, banana, meat and rice, this food speak and explaind the problem of the hunger in the world.

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